
Aceh Governor Bustami Hamzah, Gathering to Abu Mudi

banner 120x600, Bireuen — The Governor of Aceh, Bustami Hamzah, visited the residence of Aceh’s charismatic cleric, Teungku Haji Hasanoel Bashry, known as Abu Mudi, as well as the Leader of Dayah Basry Ma’hadal Ulum Diniyah Islamiyah (MUDI),  This visit was a response to Abu Mudi’s previous visit to  Meuligoe Governor in Banda Aceh.

During Bustami’s visit he was welcomed directly by Tgk H. Hasanoel Bashry, who is familiarly called Abu Mudi, and Tu Bulqaini at Dayah Ma’hadal Ulum Diniyah Islamiyah, Salamalanga District, Bireuen Regency, on Sunday (18/8/2024).

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Head of the Administration Bureau for the Aceh Regional Secretariat, Akkar Arafat, who also accompanied the Governor, explained that this visit was part of a series of friendly meetings.  “Thank God, today the Acting Governor of Aceh had the opportunity to visit the residence of the charismatic cleric Abu Mudi.  “This is a return visit after Abu Mudi previously visited Meuligoe Governor,” said Akkar.

Akkar added that in the meeting, the two Acehnese figures discussed efforts to develop Aceh better in the future.  “The Governor often echoes the spirit of togetherness in every development program.  “Today’s visit is a concrete form of efforts to build this togetherness,” said Akkar.

Furthermore, Akkar explained that cooperation between ulama and umara is very important to create harmony in society.  “With this harmony, it is hoped that various development programs that are being and will be implemented by the government can run successfully,” he added.

Apart from visiting Dayah Maudi Mesra, the Acting Governor of Aceh also visited the residence of Dayah Ummul Ayman’s caretaker, Tgk H. Nuruzzahri Yahya or Waled Nu, in Gampong Putoh, Samalanga District.  Apart from that, Governor also visited Tgk H. Usman bin Tgk Ali, known as Abu Kuta Krueng, at the Munawwarah Islamic Boarding School, Gampong Kuta Krueng, Bandar Dua District, Pidie Jaya.

On this occasion, the Acting Governor of Aceh was accompanied by the Governor’s Expert Staff for Economy, Finance and Development, Restu Andi Surya;  Head of the Aceh Disaster Management Agency, T Nara Setia;  and Head of the General Bureau of the Aceh Regional Secretariat, T. Adi Darma.[]

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