
Ustaz in North Aceh District Rapes Santri during Ramadan Camp, Arrested by Police

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Illustration of child rape

Go Atjeh Go Atjeh Go Atjeh, Lhoksukon – A flower student (pseudonym) in North Aceh Regency became a victim of Ramadan-Kamping, she was raped by an ustaz with the initials FS who was nobene her teacher while camping. Now the culprit who works as an ustad has been secured by the police.

The rape of the victim Bunga (16) during Ramadan camping was not the first time, but ongoing treatment.

The suspect is also said to have secretly invited the victim to marry without the knowledge of her parents.

“The suspect FS (34) allegedly raped the victim several times,” Head of the Lhokseumawe Resort Police Criminal Investigation Unit Iptu Yudha Prastya told reporters, Friday (02/8/2024).

The alleged rape case began when Bunga was staying at a boarding school in North Aceh Regency in 2023. FS, who is a teacher at the dayah, allegedly approached with various persuasions so that the two were close.

In early March 2024, FS allegedly invited the victim to marry secretly on the grounds that the victim was only owned by him. A few days later or on March 9, the suspect took the victim to the edge of Lake Lut Tawar in Central Aceh Regency for camping.

“The suspect had sex with the victim inside the camp. During Ramadan 2024, the suspect also abused the victim in the car twice,” he explained.

The victim’s parents then reported the alleged rape to the Lhokseumawe Resort Police on (5/26). After an investigation, the perpetrator was finally arrested in Bener Meriah on Tuesday (07/23/2024).

According to Yudha, the suspect is currently detained at the Lhokseumawe Resort Police to undergo further examination. FS was charged with articles in Qanun Jinayat.

“The perpetrator FS is charged with Article 47 Jo Article 50 of Aceh Qanun Number 6 of 2014 concerning Jinayat law with a maximum imprisonment of 200 months. The quick and thorough steps of the investigators show the commitment of the Lhokseumawe Resort Police to provide a deterrent effect against perpetrators of sexual violence,” Yudha said.


Source reported by detiksumut

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