
Tusop: Answering the People’s Call, Running in the Aceh Pilgub for Real Change

banner 120x600, Banda Aceh –Tgk H Muhammad Yusuf A Wahab, who is familiarly called Tusop, is now in the public spotlight as a candidate for Deputy Governor of Aceh. He explained that the decision to run in the Aceh Gubernatorial Election (Pilgub) was not driven by personal ambition, but by strong encouragement from the community.

Tusop revealed this after officially registering as a candidate for Governor and Deputy Governor at the Aceh Independent Election Commission (KIP) office on Thursday, (29/08/2024).

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Tusop feels that his presence in this nomination is not the result of a personal search, but because the community wants it. “I am here to run as a candidate for deputy governor, not because I am looking for it but because I am sought, I am expected to attend,” he explained after registration.

Before making a decision, Tusop conducted an in-depth consultation with Bustami Hamzah, or who is usually called Ombus, the candidate for Governor of Aceh who will be his partner. This consultation aims to ensure that their intentions are sincere and not just a desire to gain power.

Tusop emphasized that he wanted to ensure that the intention to run as a candidate was not influenced by personal ambition. “I also consulted and asked Ombus as a candidate for Governor of Aceh, are you greedy for your position and want to enjoy power? It turns out that he is also expected to be present to improve Aceh,” added Tusop.

The statement emphasized that the Bustami-Tusop pair has a strong determination to bring positive change to Aceh. Their commitment to dedicate themselves to the progress of Aceh is one of their main reasons for participating in this Pilgub.

The Ombus-Tusop candidate pair is determined to work hard for the welfare of the Acehnese people. With strong encouragement from various levels of society and sincere determination, they hope to bring a breath of fresh air to Aceh.

The Acehnese people are now waiting for a leader who can bring real change and improve the welfare of all levels of society, explained Tusop

Tusop explained, Overall, our pair is expected to bring new hope and overcome various existing challenges. Our determination and commitment are the hope for many people who yearn for progress and positive change in Aceh.

With broad support from the community and deep determination, it is hoped that this candidate pair can make a significant contribution to the development of Aceh in the future, he hoped.

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