
DPRK and Banda Aceh City Government Agree on KUA-PPAS APBK Year 2025

banner 120x600, Banda Aceh — The Banda Aceh City People’s Representative Council (DPRK) held a plenary meeting on the Mayor’s Submission of Answers to the Budget Agency (Banggar) report related to the Draft General Policy Budget Priority Ceiling (RKUA-PPAS) Regional Budget Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBK) Year 2025, Friday (02/08/2024) in the main courtroom of the Banda Aceh DPRK.


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The meeting was chaired by the Chairman of the Banda Aceh DPRK, Farid Nyak Umar, attended by Deputy Chairman I Usman, Deputy Chairman II Isnaini Husda and all members of the council. From the executive, Pj Mayor of Banda Aceh, Ade Surya and the ranks of SKPK were present.


Chairman of the Banda Aceh DPRK, Farid Nyak Umar said, in the Banggar report, the council had expressed various opinions, hopes and positive criticism of the RKUA-PPAS APBK Year 2025. “This is as mandated in the Banda Aceh 2024 City Legislation Program (Prolek),” he said.


After opening the session, the Chairman of the Banda Aceh DPRK invited the Acting Mayor of Banda Aceh to submit his answer to the Banggar Report regarding the RKUA-PPAS APBK Year 2025.


Farid also mentioned, in order to achieve credible and proportional budget validity, priority budget predictions must be included in the draft priority and temporary budget ceiling of APBK Banda Aceh Year 2025. With a clear and measurable budget prediction in the budget priorities and ceilings document, it will later become an illustration of the budget allocation and urgency of development activity programs that must be prioritized in the 2025 APBK Plan document in each Banda Aceh City Government Work Unit (SKPK).


It is said that the temporary budget priorities and ceilings are documents that will serve as guidelines for preparing budgets for each department, agency and office, and the ranks of SKPK.


“Therefore, to fulfill the legal aspect, it is necessary to sign the KUA-PPAS APBK 2025 document between the City Government and the Banda Aceh DPRK,” concluded Farid Nyak Umar.[]

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